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sakura and ino kissing online game ABOUT UNION BAPTIST CHURCH
Union Baptist Church

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is a bible-centered church that embraces the idea that Discipleship Development is our primary purpose.  We believe that the relevancy of the Word of God is not time and ino kissing online game   Hence, the WORD will always be relevant as will it always be true and without error.  Yet, we believe that the presentation of the word (methodology of delivery) can and should be inclusive of the culture and age that we minister to and we believe that this can be done without compromising truth!  Today, the Union Baptist Congregation, at over 600 members strong and growing, still stands as one of the major pillars in our community.  We are proud to be a “Purpose Driven Church.”

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Our Mission Statement:

The Mission of The Union Baptist Church of New Castle County, Incorporated is to win disciples through preaching and teaching an organized Christian Doctrine while demonstrating a social concern for the community through programs, outreach, and other spiritual activities.

Our Mission Strategy:

We believe the best way to achieve this goal is by achieving the following systematically:

Commitment To the Master

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Commitment To Maturation

Commitment To Ministry

Commitment To Multiplication through Ministry

We refer to this Strategy as the 5 CM’s!

ubc 5CMS